This is the first step where you can login or signup to continue
Fill out the form and put all the details that are necessary to complete process
An email is sent to your email address that was entered while signing up.
This is the first step where you can login or signup to continue
After clicking verify account button the page will redirect for OTP verification.
After entering the OTP code click on the (Send OTP ) button.
After successfully login you can redirect to our dashboard
This is the account view where you can see all the details of your booking.
Add Product to cart after hover on image and select required product to take.
Click on the cart icon on the top right corner to View items details
After choosing items you can process to checkout page for further details .
By click on place order button you can simply redirect to place order page.
Click on the print invoice button to print the official agreement form that can be used as a hard form.
Here you can view your invoice id , request date and furthor more details about your product.
This tab represents all details about your trasaction process in further steps which can be viewed below
Step 1 :
Step 2 :
Step 3 :
Step 4 :
Step 5 :
Step 6 :